Tuesday, June 4, 2013



VISIT: http://thewilkinstroop.myplexusproducts.com

ALSO please see bottom of the page for a free muted conference call you can listen to and NO ONE EVEN knows you are there. You can get some great information!!!

Hello my fellow earthlings. :-)

I have some great news. Let's review real quickly in March I started Plexus mainly because I was told I was pre-diabetic with an A1c of 6.1. I used Plexus because my friend said it was working for him and he was selling it. AS of MAY 31, 2013... DRUM ROLL PLEASE... My A1c is no longer in the pre-diabetic range. It was 5.5. The pre-diabetic range is 5.7 to 6.4. 

THAT IS AMAZING TO ME. Not only am I shedding pounds without exercising I am getting healthier. 

My recipe for SUCCESS is to use the Plexus Slim products that compliment each other. 
P lease note I am not a doctor so you should always consult your doctor before starting any weight loss and or new diet program.

Plexus Slim/Accelerator Combo
 (1 pack a day and 2 accelerator before breakfast if you want to lose under 50 lbs. If you want to lose more than 50 I would increase to 2 packs a day and 2 accelerators) PLEASE take with food if you have a sensitivity to caffeine.

BioCleanse  (I take 4 a day. 2 in the morning and 2 before bed)

ProBio5        (I take 4 a day. 2 in the morning with my Slim and Accelerator and 2 before bed)

I do not use the 96 but I know that product is helpful to those on the run. Instead of eating fast food you can use this to curb your hunger. 

If you want to see even better success reduce your carbs
The American Diabetes Association (see their website) recommends 45 grams of carbs per meal for a woman and 75 g carbs per meal for men
(3 meals a day no snacks but if you must snack you must subtract that snack carbs from one of your meal carbs AND do not save up all of your carbs to eat one big meal this will cause your blood glucose to spike not to mention mess up your metabolism and so many other things)

30 carbs for breakfast
15 for a s
45 carbs at lunch
45 carbs at dinner

Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water.

You weight 200 lbs. You would need to drink 100 oz of water in a day.

I hope you will be a LOSER with me. PLEASE do not delay lose weight and/or just get healthier asap!

VISIT: http://thewilkinstroop.myplexusproducts.com